Portrait from 1980

Brent Pulsipher

Large format portrait of artist Brent Pulsipher taken by Kansas City photographer Kirk Decker.  Photograph taken in 1980. Brent is window lit and standing by a etching press.

Monday Memories – Brent Pulsipher, 1979/80, Graceland College, Lamoni IA.  4×5 Kodak VPS in a Burke and James 5×7 view camera. A LDS instructor at a RLDS school, I don’t think he got anyone to drop the R in RLDS, or what the administration thought of him, but I remember him as one of the most interesting instructors at the school.  A few years later when I was a traveler in a aging 63 Chevy with money for gas, but not for hotels, he opened his house to me, and was the kindest host I have ever met.